Get Started


Start your journey to become an optimally responsible business. What are your priorities for being a responsible business? Climate change? Biodiversity loss? Child slavery? What about your impact on your local community? Or what is the impact of your advertising on people and the planet? How effective is your governance? How much have you thought about the causes and campaigns you support, don’t, or should? The power to lobby and influence that you hold? Or the regimes you do – or don’t – trade with?

Our simple questionnaire is the first step in navigating your journey of being an optimally responsible business. It only takes five minutes! Once completed, you’ll receive an individual, honest, and no-commitment assessment within two working days.

Your priorities

This questionnaire has no right or wrong answers. It simply allows you to express what you believe to be your company’s most pressing issues out of the 22 on our list, to enable discussion with us about which policies and practices to change first. Enjoy the process!