Responsibility as a Skill
Our aim is to help you master every available responsibility challenge and opportunity, by responding in the best possible ways, such that you are ‘optimally responsible’.
By optimally responsible, we mean operating such that you are able to invest all resources that are available to you into defining and adopting best responsibility practices across each issue that it makes most sense to address, given your size, sector and circumstances. And such that these endeavours are well balanced with your primary function of delivering your goods and services at the right price and quality. And such that in achieving this balance, you benefit commercially.
Our aim is to empower and enable you to practise ‘responsibility as a skill’. That is, to get better at it, more experienced and confident, such that you do more, go farther and become ever bolder in your future responsibility practices, because doing so becomes a strategy that improves your operations and drives your profitability.
While we always try our best to steer clear of jargon, these concepts are very important to us, and they set us apart from other badges and frameworks. Thus we have coined these particular phrases and have tried to define them as simply as possible.
The creation and completion of your RI dashboard will be invaluable for internal and external reporting, for defining strategies and measuring your success in pursuit of your goals, and much more besides. Your first completion of the dashboard requires that you to do a little bit of work on all 22 issues. From that point, we can determine which issues demand your immediate further attention and effort to improve, and which issues are lower priority to return to in the future.
The prioritisation and work planning we’ll do will factor in issues such as:
- The financial cost of improving (making additional improvements) on each issue
- The opportunity costs of seeking to improve on each issue
- The risk that your attempts to improve may fail or only partially succeed
- The existence of the “low hanging fruit” of easier improvements that are available to you on less obvious issues
- Stakeholder interests and priorities, e.g. partnership opportunities, or NGO and media attention on the issue, etc
- What support you can expect from Responsible 100, and from our partners and participants