About Us

What is Responsible 100?

Responsible 100 is a tool to enable any business to balance its own economic interests with the interests of nature, society and a fair, liveable, sustainable future. It is a tool to enable companies to operate as responsibly as they possibly can, bespoke to their own particular needs and circumstances. It is also a means for anyone who – as a consumer, employee, investor or simply as a citizen and a neighbour – wishes to identify and support businesses demonstrably operating as responsibly as they can. Together, we can create the critical incentives and rewards for other businesses to adopt openness, honesty and accountability as drivers of profitability.

What is the potential of Responsible 100?

Responsible 100 has the potential to:

  • Enable any business to be more responsible and sustainable
  • Identify better and best business practices and promote their widespread adoption
  • Empower consumers, employees and investors to identify and support businesses committed to improving our world
  • Enable NGOs, campaign groups and issue experts to raise the issues they champion and campaign on up the business agenda
  • Change norms and expectations as to the role, purpose and legitimacy of business
  • Harness constantly improving responsibility performance and innovation as drivers of commercial success
  • Create a race to the top where businesses compete on price and quality, and how much more net positive they can be in their impacts

In time, ideally, each of the above will not simply describe Responsible 100’s potential but, assuming continued progress, also solidify as key strands of the initiative’s purpose, impact and raison d’être. Each is important to Responsible 100’s founders and also serves as a framework to guide our work. If we find we are not on track to deliver each of the above, or worse we find ourselves doing or contemplating things that could mitigate against achieving them, we’ll stop what we are doing and reassess right away. Learn more about how our process works.

How is value created?

The accumulation and intelligent uses of business responsibility data underpins Responsible 100’s value creation. A key working assumption is that we can help businesses improve, and the work we do will directly benefit those clients we do it with. Yet, crucially, at the same time, this work will also benefit all the other participants in the initiative too. This is because all collected and collated data – the details of priority levels, performance levels, and relevant policies and practices other businesses provide – help us to improve our benchmarks. And these constantly improving benchmarks will generate a range of shared benefits as summarised below.In time, ideally, each of the above will not simply describe Responsible 100’s potential but, assuming continued progress, also solidify as key strands of the initiative’s purpose, impact and raison dêtre. Each is important to Responsible 100’s founders and also serves as a framework to guide our work. If we find we are not on track to deliver each of the above, or worse we find ourselves doing or contemplating things that could mitigate against achieving them, we’ll stop what we are doing and reassess right away.

Relationships and value flows key:

  1. The participant business describes its policies and practices (or absence of them) and all new examples are adding to the benchmark
  2. The business can assess the increasingly well-informed benchmarks to understand what the different performance standards are, where they may currently sit, and how high up the scale they might aim to be, issue by issue.
  3. Our expert partners work with us to maintain a clear and robust definitions of and delineations between POOR > OKAY > GOOD > EXCELLENT standards, and these constantly evolve
  4. Our expert partners benefit from access to the up-to-date and ever-developing and broadening cache of the POOR > OKAY > GOOD > EXCELLENT policies and practices that we collect from businesses and collate into the benchmarks, these offer new insight and highlight new ideas, possibilities and opportunities to inform their work
  5. Our partners and client businesses may also choose to be in direct contact, especially if, for example, the partner provides exercises, workshops and any other kind of training to help our businesses improve on its issue of expertise

Who is behind Responsible 100?

Responsible 100 is delivered by Profit Through Ethics Ltd an independent, for-profit, impact business based in London, UK.

Michael Solomon, Director

Michael devised the Responsible 100 concept in 2012 having worked on various forerunning initiatives prior. He has over 23 years of experience in innovation and entrepreneurship in responsible business. View Michael’s profile on LinkedIn.

Malcolm Bacchus, Virtual Finance Director

Malcolm is a Chartered Accountant, a company director, an ICAEW Council Member, Vice President of the ICAEW, and an adviser to SMEs on financing, budgeting, strategy and general management issues. View Malcolm’s profile on LinkedIn.

Ilayda Tutal, Business Intelligence Intern

Ilayda is a Master’s student at The University of Law Business School in London studying Corporate Financial Management. Her interests include auditing, financial sustainability, ethical business practices, and business intelligence. View Ilayda’s profile on LinkedIn.

Zacarias Val Gutierrez, Business Development Intern

Zacarias is studying for a Master’s degree at The University of St Andrews in Scotland, reading International Relations. His interests include current and world affairs, politics, business, entrepreneurship and responsible and sustainable business. View Zac’s profile on LinkedIn.