Responsible 100’s key differentiating features and benefits include:
An entirely unique and practical approach
No lengthy application process or other barriers to join
Gaining help now, no matter your starting point
Coaching from experts and support from peers
Help and support tailored to your particular challenges and circumstances
Making responsibility work a shared, team endeavour
Balancing responsibility undertakings with your commercial and operational priorities
Driving profitability with your responsibility undertakings
Bullet proof credibility and trustworthiness
Positive differentiation
Responsible 100 is for businesses that wish to:
Demonstrate they stand for honesty, openness, contribution and shared value
Eschew the cherry-picking of issues on which they wish to be held accountable, and which they don’t, or any other attempts to define responsibility on self-serving or narrow terms
Invite people in, to provide scrutiny and useful, actionable feedback on their policies and practices
Demonstrate optimal responsibility — i.e that they are investing in the most relevant issues, improving their overall responsibility performance as rapidly as possible — given their size, sector and particular circumstances
Avoid accusations of greenwash, or doing things which amount to pointless, ineffectual, inadequate or irrelevant ‘responsibility’
Help raise public expectations on all businesses that they prove they are optimal and sincere in their responsibility practices too
Help raise the floor in terms of minimum responsibility and honesty standards across business
Help raise the bar — and fire our imaginations — in terms of what businesses could one day achieve as genuine and powerful forces for good in the world